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LCE Contact Details

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Unit 110 Six Cross Roads
County Waterford
X91 AP80
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About LCE

LCE provide workplace safety, training and ergonomics consultancy services to clients in all industrial and commercial sectors throughout Ireland, the UK and Europe.

Being able to provide both technical and practical safety consultancy is what sets LCE apart – we work in partnership with our clients to provide solutions and systems that suit each organisations, from the self-employed to the multinational.

The phenomenal success of LCE can be attributed to the LCE approach to clients – the LCE mission statement is “to exceed customer expectations and redefine the perception of consultancy services”, and the commitment to this is demonstrated by the level of positive client feedback, client referrals and most importantly, by clients continually returning to LCE for additional consultancy and training.

When you work with LCE:
LCE consultants and trainers are a dedicated group of professionals who are experts in their field and whose focus is to ensure they always add value to an organisation.

For example, the trainers that present our IOSH Certificate in Managing Safely courses, not only are experienced health and safety professionals, but have also held management positions at senior levels, the consultants who provide advice on ATEX have worked in some of the most hazardous conditions possible such as mining.

We think this level of competence is important – don’t you?

Safety Training
  • Management Training
  • Certified Training
  • General Health & Safety Training
  • Technical Training
Safety Consultancy
Whatever you need in relation to workplace safety – LCE have the competent consultants and trainers to help you.

Our range of consultancy services includes:
  • Ergonomics
  • Machinery safety
  • Risk Management
  • Occupational Hygiene
  • Vibration Monitoring
  • Noise monitoring
  • Safety Statements
  • Behavioural based safety programmes
  • OHSAS 18001
  • Driving for work
  • Emergency Planning
  • ATEX assessments
  • Safety auditing
Workplace Ergonomics
Ergonomics is a science-based discipline that brings together knowledge from other subjects such as anatomy and physiology, psychology, engineering and statistics to ensure that designs complement the strengths and abilities of the human body.

Rather than expecting people to adapt to a design that forces them to work in an uncomfortable, stressful or dangerous way, ergonomists seek to understand how a product, workplace or system can be designed to suit the people who need to use it.

How ergonomic interventions can help your business:
For over 25 years, Ita Leyden has been providing expert and practical ergonomic advice and consultancy. LCE can help your business to maximize human performance to:
  • Reduce accidents
  • Reduce potential for “human error”
  • Increase productivity
  • Improve quality
  • Reduce the risk of work related musculoskeletal disorders
Ergonomic services provided by LCE:
  • Workplace assessments
  • VDU Assessments
  • Control room design
  • Process design and assessment
Ergonomic accessories
Our consultant ergonomist has selected a limited range of ergonomic accessories which she believes are well designed and will optimise human performance and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries.



LCE attended the annual Irish Ergonomics Society conference in Dublin on Thursday 6th June. The event was held in the lovely grounds of the Technical University Dublin, situated in Grangegorman Lower.
The conference was very well attended with in excess of 80 people on the day talking about “Human Factors & Ergonomics – Lessons to be learned across domains; healthcare, manufacturing and transport”
Presentations in relation to ergonomics in the workplace were plentiful with topics such as musculoskeletal disorders in bus drivers and gender differences of work-related upper limb disorders in health care workers being discussed.

Some other areas of interest in relation to ergonomic presentations included “A human factors approach to improve visual inspection for aircraft maintenance tasks” and “Task based risk assessment and monetised risk values for aviation maintenance activities: examples of evaluation for short cuts implications”. These were thought-provoking ways of looking at hazards in the workplace and how these companies addressed these issues by way of ergonomic risk assessments.

If ergonomics is under your remit, or you would like more information on ergonomic risk assessments then you can contact LCE on 051 364344 or email
Having recently acquired Unit 110 Six Cross Roads Business Park in Waterford for our headquarters, LCE are delighted to announce the opening of our Cork office to support the growing client base throughout Munster – LCE are now operating from our offices on the Link Road in Ballincollig.
To celebrate our opening and our newest member of staff Karen Cassoni commencing in LCE Cork, we are giving you an opportunity to win a signed Munster Jersey!!

All companies booking an in-house Manual Handling or First Aid training course or engaging LCE to complete office VDU assessments during June, July and August will be entered into the draw for a chance to win this fantastic prize.
So, if you need to get your safety compliance over the end line call LCE in Waterford on 051 364344 or Cork on 021 2038002. Alternatively you can email to book and enter the draw today.

LCE has been in business in Waterford since 2005. Ita Leyden who is the MD of LCE has over 25 years’ experience in safety and engineering. As one of the first in Ireland to qualify as an Ergonomist from NUI Galway, Ita is regular contributor to conferences and workshops on Ergonomics. Ita is also a Chartered Safety Professional, Chartered Engineer and as a member of the Association of Consulting Forensic Engineers, is a recognised expert witness to the courts. Ita has passed on a wealth of knowledge to our Safety Consultants here in LCE so that you can be sure that you are getting the highest standard and best practice in health and safety.

Whilst ergonomics is the unique expertise of LCE, our safety consultants specialise in all areas of Health and Safety – this ranges from preparation of RAMS, Noise & Vibration Monitoring to ISO45001 Auditing and a range of general and technical Safety Training. As well as First Aid and MMH, our most popular courses include LOTO, Safety for Contractors and Construction Safety.

Having recently acquired Unit 110 Six Cross Roads Business park in Waterford for our headquarters, in early 2019 LCE opened an office in Cork to support the growing client base throughout Munster.

70% of the LCE business is from clients returning again and again – why? They like the fact that they get competent advice and training that adds value, but most of all, our clients tell us that they appreciate our practical, no nonsense approach to workplace safety.

If health and safety training, consultancy or ergonomics falls under your remit then you contact LCE on 051 364344 or email your query to
LCE were awarded the coveted Business All-Star Accreditation at Croke Park last week, Thursday May 2nd. It is an independently verified standard mark for businesses based on rigorous selection criteria; performance, trust and customer centricity.

“LCE are thrilled to be reaccredited with All-Star Thought Leader in Ergonomics for 2019-2020. This is a great honour and LCE are proud to be a part of the All-Ireland Business All Stars again” says Ita Leyden, MD.

LCE were also delighted to be nominated as finalists in 2 categories this year:

• Category 1: Female Led

• Category 2: Professional Service

The 5th All-Ireland Business Summit at Croke Park played host to the finals for the All-Ireland Business Awards 2019. All finalists were Business All-Star title holders and have been proven through a rigorous judging process, to be on merit, worthy recipients of the accolade.
This was the second year running that LCE attended this prestigious event. Unfortunately LCE were not successful in the categories this year but are delighted once again with accreditation for All-Star Thought Leader in Ergonomics.

LCE are pleased to offer a complete Health & Safety Solution for your workplace. Our cost-effective LCE-SOS package can take the worry out of health & safety legal compliance.

From only €50 per week*, LCE can provide:

*Initial Gap Analysis

Comprehensive review of your existing safety system followed by report detailing where your company is now in relation to legal compliance and best practice and providing a comprehensive action plan for your organisation.

*Safety Training Needs Analysis

Comprehensive overview of health and safety training required

*Annual H&S audit

Annual audit using documentation review, observation and discussion with relevant personnel to determine level of compliance with site safety statement.

*Site Specific Safety Statement

Have your existing Safety Statement updated, or if none in place, LCE will prepare your Safety Statement

*Site Specific Risk Assessments

Provision of a risk assessment template and completion of risk assessments for inclusion in your Safety Statement

*Six Monthly Site Inspection

Once every 6 months, LCE will conduct a physical inspection of your workplace and issue a report outlining findings including recommendations for improvement.

*Additional Benefits

FREE- Email Support (during office hours)
FREE- Telephone Support (during office hours)
FREE - Quarterly Newsletter
Discount on training courses offered by LCE.
Our plans can be tailored to suit your requirements – and as your company grows or your needs change, you can increase the scope of the services you require.

Contact Karen at or 051- 3642344 for more details or to arrange a meeting to discuss your specific requirements.

*Terms and conditions apply
LCE are the new Workplace Safety Training & Consultancy in town…ok not quite but possibly in the Six Cross Roads business park anyway!
LCE are a local SME who carry out safety training, consultancy and specialise in ergonomics. The LCE Training Academy was set up initially in the Cleaboy Business Park over 4 years ago but moved to a bigger premises here in unit 110 Six Cross Roads just before the craziness of Christmas really kicked in.
For those of you who don’t know LCE – how dare you!
All joking aside, LCE has been in business in Waterford since 2005. Ita Leyden who is the MD of LCE has over 25 years’ experience, was one of the first in Ireland to qualify as an Ergonomist from NUI Galway and is a member of numerous professional bodies. Ita is also a Chartered Safety Professional, Chartered Engineer and is often called to attend court as an “Expert Witness” in relation to engineering and/or ergonomics cases. Ita has passed on a wealth of knowledge to our Safety Consultants here in LCE so that you can be sure that you are getting the highest standard and best practice in health and safety.
As well as moving to our new base in the Six Cross Roads Business Park in Waterford, LCE have also expanded into the Cork region.
“We are very much looking forward to engaging with people in our Cork office and this promises to be a great new venture for LCE” says Ita Leyden, MD of LCE.
LCE opened its second office base in Cork this month. Our colleague Karen Cassoni will be heading up the office in Ballincollig to boost the LCE brand, the LCE profile and to service our client base in Cork and the surrounding areas. MORE>>
If health and safety training, consultancy or ergonomics falls under your remit then you contact LCE on 051 364344 or email your query to


The LCE Certificate in Practical Ergonomics is making its return again in May 2019 from the 20th to the 24th.
This 5 day course has proven to be very popular, especially amongst those working in the Pharma industry.

Ergonomic interventions help by maximising human performance which can benefit your organisation in the following ways:

Reducing accidents
Reducing potential for “human error”
Increased productivity
Improved quality
Reducing the risk of work related musculoskeletal disorders
If ergonomics falls under your remit, or indeed it is of particular interest then this is the course for you.

The LCE Certificate in Practical Ergonomics is currently the only one of it’s kind in Ireland & Ita Leyden is also recognised as an All-Ireland “Thought Leader in Ergonomics”!

Not forgetting the off site practical element of the course which gives participants a real feel for carrying out ergonomic assessments.

Want to know more – call us on 051 364344 or email to avail on our early bird offer for the months of February & March.
Following on from our recent success at the All-Ireland Business Summit in Croke Park in April, LCE were delighted to feature on The Hot Desk Show with Julie Smyth on WLR FM.

LCE discussed their reaction to being a Finalist in the All-Star Small Business category and more specifically on the day, Ita Leyden was accredited with the All-Star Accredited Thought Leader Ergonomics 2018-19.

The full recording of the segment involving Ita Leyden, MD of LCE & Róisín McGoldrick, Business Development Manager, can be found on our website under the "Press Releases" section on the right hand side.
The bright lights of Irish Businesses were shining on Croke Park last Thursday 19th April for the Fourth Annual All-Ireland Business Summit.

The Business All-Stars competition final was one of the star attractions of the summit. This is an annual competition designed to identify, recognise and accredit Irish companies and individuals that have distinguished themselves in the conduct of their business over the last 12 months.

LCE was a Finalist in the All-Star Small Business and more specifically on the day, Ita Leyden was accredited with the All-Star Accredited Thought Leader Ergonomics 2018-19.
Speaking at the event, Kieran F. Ring, CEO Global Institute of Logistics, Deputy Chairperson Adjudication Panel said;
“The decision to designate LCE with ALL Star accreditation is based on the score achieved in four rounds of intense competition.
LCE’s application, supported by references, interviews and independent ratings from the ‘mystery shopper’ process left the adjudication panel in no doubt that LCE is richly deserving of this accreditation.
In response to the announcement Ita Leyden said
“On behalf of LCE I would like to express our sincere thanks for the accreditation. Achieving All-Stars accreditation is a great source of pride for us and we look forward to continuing to meet and indeed exceed the standards set by the All-Star programme.
The All-Star Summit allowed us to put our brand story on paper and gave us the opportunity to reflect on who we are, our growth strategy and above all the value we create for our customers.
The opportunity to hear first-hand feedback from our Judge-Mentor, our existing customers, partners and suppliers through the reference module combined with the results from the mystery shopper round was invaluable.
We would like to thank the All-Star Summit for listening to our story, understanding and accrediting our business and above all helping us to promote LCE”
Speaking at the summit, Dr. Briga Hynes, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Chairperson Adjudication Panel summed up the entire process by reminding the enterprises honoured with All-Star that:
“LCE has demonstrated an ability to innovate and has impressive growth plans which no-doubt reflects the resilience and optimism that are the hallmarks of Irish entrepreneurs. LCE bring a real inspiration for what is possible in business in Ireland and provide important role models for the many aspiring entrepreneurs and existing small firms,”

LCE are now included in the 2018-19 All-Stars Role of Honour, the list is published annually to coincide with the All-Ireland Business Summit at Croke Park. Applications for 2018-19's competition open on 1st June 2018.

Think Workplace Safety Think LCE –


Name Role Email Telephone
Ita Leyden Managing Director of LCE B.E., M.Sc., Dip.Em, C.Eng M.IEI, M.IES, C.MI +353 (0)51 364344
Karen Cassoni Cork Office - Sales & Support +353 (0)21 2038002
Róisín McGoldrick Business Development Manager +353 (0)51 364344

Location Map

LCE Serves The Following Areas

LCE Serves The Following Counties

LCE Serves The Following Towns

EHS InternationalScannell Safety ServicesIreland T&T LtdGreen City Paving & LandscapingGSM Guttering & Fascia LtdMMA Joinery Specialists LtdPlanning HandbookStone Systems LimitedPremier Floor ScreedS & N Granite