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David Grogan
86 Ashfield E, Golf Links Rd
Charterschool Land
Charterschool Land
County Kilkenny
R95 T2W6
About David Grogan Safety Training
At David Grogan Safety Training we provide top class training at competitive prices. Quality training assured.
David Grogan Safety Training was established 2013 and provides training country wide.
Training can be provided on site in any suitable venue and online interactive classroom learning.
DG Training Services provides a broad range of training courses. These courses are designed to enhance and improve the skills of employees and are tailored to suit individual and company needs.
Courses are structured in such a way as to enable trainees to integrate their training with their working environment.
DG Training Services understands that all training interventions have a lasting impact on participants. To ensure that the impact is positive we advocate that training will be carried out professionally with full consultation and in collaboration with companies
This will ensure consistent high-quality training to the standards required.
DG Training Services are proficient in all necessary documentation and record keeping required to satisfy Government Granting Authorities.
Safety Statement
Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, the employer (including self-employed persons) and persons in control of places of work must prepare a Safety Statement.
A Safety Statement is a written action programme for safeguarding the health and safety of those at work. It details how health and safety is managed in the workplace, which for fishing means the boat.
The Safety Statement is based on the principle that safety can be managed because most accidents and ill-health are foreseeable and can usually be prevented. The Safety Statement should be used to plan and control everything that is done in the workplace so that accidents don’t occur.
Risk Assessment
By law, the Safety Statement must be based on the risk assessment of hazards in the workplace (i.e. the boat in fishing). The control measures and the resources necessary to reduce the risks to an acceptable level must be indicated. In addition, employee’s duties and the responsibilities of key personnel in relation to safety, health and welfare must be documented. As part of the written health and safety program emergency plans and consultation arrangements should be documented.
VDU Assessments
The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work, (General Application) Regulations 2007, Chapter 5 of Part 2 outline the requirements that must be adhered to in relation to Display Screen Equipment.
These regulations are applicable:
- If the employee has no choice but to use the VDU to carry out her/his work
- If the employee normally uses the VDU for continuous periods of more than one hour
- If the VDU is generally used by the employee on a daily basis